
Inside the Jade Empress' Tomb

Inside the Jade Empress’ Tomb

If you’re looking for a short beginner friendly D&D 5e one-shot adventure for 4 to 6 players - character sheets included - check out this one on Dungeon Masters Guild

Inside the Jade Empress' Tomb

The Imperial Dragon Guard has been dispatched
Six members of the Emperor’s Royal Dragon Guard have been appointed to search out and destroy one of the Empire’s enemies that has taken up hold in the Jade Empress’s Tomb.
They must prevent the Empress from being awoken, whilst stalking through her final resting place.

You find yourself standing in a valley
Between mountain spikes that rise up
Toward the sky almost straight up. There is little light here. A gust of wind parts the misty veil that perpetuates the bottom of these ravines and reveals the goal of your quest. The massive double doors are cracked open, a bluish black scale keeping them from falling shut.

This is where you have travelled to with haste. You and your companions of the Royal Dragon Guard. 
It may or may not live up to your expectation, yet this certainly is: The Jade Empress’ Tomb.
You have been told, whatever you do, you must not wake the powers that reside within the stilled body of the Empress of Old. For if you do… great and terrible things will happen.

Buy now at Dungeon Masters Guild

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